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Strade/Ways: Carpet – Talking to Gabriele – Lullaby to My Father

Auteur : Amos Gitai (Ed.)

Édition : ​Giunti, Milano, 2014 – ISBN : 8809808436 – 3 volumes (96 p., 192 p. et 96 p.)

Langue : Anglais / Italien

Présentation en anglais
Catalogue in three volumes respectively named "Carpet", "Talking to Gabriele" and "Lullaby to my Father". From 2 December to 1 February 2015, Palazzo Reale will host "Strade/Ways", the unpublished exhibition-installation by the great Israeli director Amos Gitai, created especially for the Sala delle Cariatidi. The initiative, promoted by the City of Milan-Culture and produced by Palazzo Reale, GAmm Giunti and Centro Studi Moshe Tabibnia, collects his large-format photographs, sequences of his films, sound and visual devices and indicates the links that unite cultures, stories and people in the lands of the Middle and Far East. A path, divided into three parts and made up of sequences of films, photographs, documents, antique carpets and visual and sound devices, to tell the deep bond between people, lands and cultures. The exhibition opens with the film "Lullaby to my Father", dedicated to the life of his father, the Bauhaus architect Munio Weinraub who, forced to flee the Nazis, moved to Palestine and played a decisive role in the birth of Israeli architecture; we continue with the conversation between Gitai and the great Milanese photographer Gabriele Basilico on photography, architecture, the scenes of the film "Free Zone" dedicated to a place/non-place that they reached together; and ends in the Sala delle Cariatidi, where the process leading to the birth of "Carpet", the director's new film, is reconstructed.

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