Munio Weinraub, Amos Gitai: Architecture and Film in Israel
Édition : Minerva Hermann Farnung GmbH, Munich, 2009 – ISBN 3938832436 – 590 pages
Langue : Anglais / Allemand
Table des matières en anglais
Munio Weinraub
Introduction (Winfried Nerdinger)
Biography Munio Weinraub
Zionism in Transition (Michael Brenner)
From Dessau to Haifa: Modern Architecture in the Zionist Context, 1918-1948
(Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Architecture and Building Policy as Instruments of State Construction and Creation of National Identity in Israel after 1948 (Anna Minta)
Focus on the Housing Unit Ramat Hadar (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Settlements for the Self-Sufficient (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Buildings for Kibbutzim (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Housing Estates (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Neighbourhood Centres (Winfried Nerdinger)
Government Quarter, West-Jerusalem, 1950 (Anna Minta)
Buildings for the Histadrut (Mirjana Grdanjski)
Cultural and Educational Buildings (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Buildings for Industry (Mirjana Grdanjski)
Synagogues (Mirjana Grdanjski)
Yad Vashem (Neta Shani)
Memorials and Monuments (Mirjana Grdanjski)
Projects in the Course of Reparation (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Work Catalogue (Ita Heinze-Greenberg)
Amos Gitai
Introduction (Winfried Nerdinger)
Biography Amos Gitai
Gitai-Weinraub, Son-Father, Cinema-Architecture, Israel-Europe (Richard Ingersoll)
Amos Gitai: Challenging the Blind Spots of Israeli Identity (Yael Munk)
Borders and Women (Jean-Michel Frodon)
Interview: Winfried Nerdinger and Amos Gitai (6.6.2008)
Interview: Richard Ingersoll and Arnos Gitai (14.12.2007)
Bait/House (Irma Klein)
The Wadi Trilogy (Serge Toubiana)
Field Diary (Taline Voskeritchian)
Esther (Irma Klein)
Berlin Jerusalem (Baptiste Piegay)
In the Valley of the Wupper (Serge Toubiana)
Eden (Baptiste Piegay)
Index of Persons